Fundamentals of Representation
Fundamentals of representation is a basic course, aiming at giving students the foundations of Geometry and Graphics useful for understanding and controlling visual and metrical relationships between space (three-dimensional) and image (bi-dimensional), and most of all their role in the design processes. Considering architecture as a spatial system based on the interaction between nature and artifice, a fixed point in the program is the integration between geometry of built structures (architectural model) and geometry of natural sites (terrain model). Dedicated architectural templates are proposed in order to investigate some geometric and graphic aspects of the mentioned interaction. Theoretical lectures and applications refer to sketching, drawing, photography and movie, physical and digital modelling. Short theoretical essays are also proposed in order to better highlight some important cultural aspects of graphic representation in architecture. Theory learning and all the activities involving manual and technical drawing are individual, while physical and digital models can be develop in group, in order to simulate a teamwork. Most of the activities take place in the classroom under the guidance of the teacher. Based on the assigned architectural theme, students also have to propose some slight targeted changes in the spatial system, in order to prove either the reliability of Geometry and Graphics in reproducing spaces, either, and most of all, to test their power as design tools.