The admission to the Study programme is subject to positively passing the Admission Test.
All information is available on the webpage Polinternational (see also the italian webpage PoliOrientami).
Additional Educational Obligation OFA
OFA are assigned due to the results of the admission test. Further information is available on this webpage of the AUIC School.
Curricular and Individual Study Plan, Single Courses
The registered student is automatically enrolled at the curricular Study plan. The student can submit an individual Study plan, due to the procedure described on the specific webpage of the AUIC School. Concerning Single Course visit this webpage.
Several Workshops are offered by the AUIC School annually, concerning diversified thematic areas, interested students can submit their application during the registration period.
More info on this webpage of the AUIC School.
In order to take an exam the student must register to it by using the University web portal. For information on Exams Calendar and Exams Registration Service, access this webpage of the AUIC School, then select School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering and select/fill in the fields of interest.
Programme transfers and changes
To transfer to the Degree Programme, refer to the the following webpage of the AUIC School and to PoliOrientami.
Erasmus and Experience abroad
The Study programme offers to the interested students a rich program of educational and professional opportunities. Further information is available on this webpage of the AUIC School.
Tutoring, Students calls, Scholarships and Graduation Awards, Education Onbudsman
For this topics refer to the sections “Teaching” and “Students” of the AUIC School webpage.
The Internship is an important moment of interaction with professional practice, and it can take place in Italy or abroad. Further information is available on this webpage of the AUIC School.
The connections with the JOB’s world are also supported at the University level, as reported in the Career Service webpage of the Politecnico di Milano.
Graduation exam
The Regulations for the Bachelor of Science Graduation Exam, without any preclusion regarding the achievement of the final score, give the student candidate the possibility of preparing the thesis either independently either with the help of a Supervisor: in the first case the Final Work to be prepared will consist of a “Thematic Portfolio”, in the second case of a “Critical Essay”.
Methods and contents are defined in detail in the Supplementary Regulations of the Final Exam which you are advised to read carefully.
Given the importance of the topic, a video presentation relating to the preparation of the Degree Thesis is also available on the Homepage, in the NEWS section of this portal.
More general information is available both on the web portal of the AUIC School, on the Degree Examinations webpage, and on the Politecnico di Milano web portal.