Teaching Prospectus

The Study programme is structured according to one-year and one-semester classes for a total of 180 credits.

A list of the teachings and the activities scheduled for the Degree in Italian language in Milan, Mantua and Piacenza, and for the achievement of the English Degree in Milan (marked with EN MI) is reported below.

Detailed information on the teaching programs and the relative teachers, are published on the Manifesto of the Degree Program; take care to select there, in the drop-down menu appearing at the top of the page: the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering, the Degree Course in Architectural Design, and the Study Plan of interest (MIA and MIE for Milan, MN for Mantua, PCA and PCE for Piacenza, “Non-Diversifcato”, that is, Non-Diversified, for Optional Courses and Workshops, Internships, Final Exam).

1° year

Annual teachings (I e II semester)

Architectural Design Studio (EN MI) 12 Cfu

I semester

History of architecture 8 Cfu
Fundamentals of representation 8 Cfu
CI Math 8 Cfu
Elements of architectural typology 6 Cfu

II semester

Urban planning studio (EN MI) 12 Cfu
Architectural technology fundamentals 6 Cfu

2° year

Annual teachings (I e II semester)

Architectural design studio 2 (EN MI) 12 Cfu

I semester

History of art 4 Cfu
Building physics (EN MI) 8 Cfu
Statics 4 Cfu
Digi skills – Space representation in digital environment 4 Cfu

II semester

Heritage preservation fundamentals 4 Cfu
Urban Planning (EN MI) 4 Cfu
History of architecture 2 (EN MI) 8 Cfu
Building technology studio (EN MI) 12 Cfu

3° year

I semester

Architectural design studio 3 (EN MI) 12 Cfu
Interior design studio (EN MI) or Historical building preservation studio (EN MI) 12 Cfu
Mechanics of material and structures 8 Cfu

II semester

Final design studio (EN MI) 12 Cfu
Estimo Project evaluation (EN MI) 4 Cfu
Elective course (EN MI) 4 Cfu
Internship (EN MI) 4 Cfu
Final Esamination (EN MI) 4 Cfu

The detailed programs of the courses can be consulted and downloaded here