Building Technology Studio

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The Building technology studio aims at promoting the architectural design ability in managing the relations among materials, construction elements, techniques, environmental and functional requirements, building regulations, characteristics of the context.

Students are led in a gradual process of acquisition and application of methodological and operational tools required for the development of the project. This, in relation to the dimension of feasibility of construction, through guided exercises aimed at acquiring adequate capacity of analysis and synthesis. The design process is articulated through a series of steps:

– concept (definition of all the major characteristic and performances that the architecture must provide);

– design (implementation of the concept providing all the pieces of information necessary for administrative approval);

– project (implementation of the design providing all the pieces of information necessary for the construction).

The project experience is applied to a residential building of “controlled complexity” such as Social housing and Student housing.


Collaborators: Andrea Fossati, Davide Cerati, Silvia Moretti 
Type: Laboratorio 
Year: II Anno 
Anno accademico: 2017/18 
Semester: 2°