Focus tematici e metodologici degli insegnamenti svolti
The central aim of the architectural design process is the construction of the building that requires a deep awareness of the complex system of relationships between conception and construction, in order to properly combine the morphological, typological and functional systems within the contextual constraints (environ-mental, organizational, regulatory and economic).
The cultural and scientific horizon of the technological area does not refer just to product innovation, but extended – in their theoretical implications and practical application – in the framework of process innovation.
Using Marco Zanuso’s words: “for a designer, the interconnection between his creativity and the possibilities offered by the technological industry is essential”, the relationship between design-ers, artists and entrepreneurs, should be done according to a “process that is long and tiring, in between the design and the industrialization of the design activity” (Marco Zanuso, “Sono un designer all’antica”, Quaderni di ITACA, vol. 3, 1999, Gangemi Editore, Roma, p. 30).
Argomenti degli Elaborati Finali trattati in qualità di relatore
Resilient urban transformation, adaptive design, nature-based-solutions, technological innovation and design.